indexely gets you indexed faster.

Get pages indexed, fast.

indexely shares your pages with Google and sources to get your pages indexed fast.

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Indexely - Monitor downtime and get indexed faster | Product Hunt

How does it work?

Get indexed faster than ever before.

indexely takes your page and runs it through our Google integration, and URL sharing services to get it on the radar of Google, Bing and other search engines in just one click.

Stress-free downtime tracking

Monitor the health of your websites with our website downtime tracker.

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Slow website?

We'll tell you when website is running slow, so you can rest easy knowing your website is happy.

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We've got your back

The moment your website is down, we'll alert you that something isn't quite right.

Indexely is your SEO sidekick

Track SERP Position

We automatically track and report your search rankings based in Google, to give you clear view of how your content performs.

Get Indexed Fast

Simple, fast and ethical indexing. Indexely uses our integrations to get your pages in front of Google, to get indexed sooner.

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